What did we do in the vegetable garden?

On the 27th of Septembre, we made three groups.
In one group were Ione, Amaiur, Amane,Uxue and Egoi. In the second group were Ibai, Aner and Edgar. In the third group were Mikel and Amaia. Stephanie, made pictures with the tablet.
The first group picked up beans. The second group collected potatoes. And the third group recollected corn.

We took these potatoes, beans and corns because the next year they will become seed. We have to keep it in a cold place.

Another version:

Today we went to the greenhouse, we took potatoes ,corns and beans .
We did four Groups: Aner, Ibai and Edgar took the potatoes,  later Amane , Ione ,Egoi, Uxue and Amaiur took the beans,  after that Mikel and Amaia collected the corn and Stephanie took the photos.

We collected these vegetables because with these seeds we will grow more vegetables next year. We will   keep them in a cold  place. 


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