5. 6 mailakoek egin zutena

First we took tools and  we went to the vegetable garden, after that we took the compost land .

Then  we threw the compost land and remove it with the spade .
Third  we took the stones and we put them  in the box, and we threw the grass in the compost.
Lehenengo erramientak hartu genituen eta baratzera joan ginen, hori eta gero konpostako lurra  hartu genuen.
Bigarren landarei konpostako lurra bota genion, ondoren konpostako lurra txarrantxarekin nahastu genuen.
Hirugarren harriak hartu genituen eta kutxa konpostara bota genuen, eta gero belarra konpostara bota genuen.

On 5th of December we went to vegetable garden:

First we separated the class in 3 groups:

One group went to took compost with one trolley,other group separated the stones from the grass ,and the other group mixed soil and compost, and Ione took photos.

Abenduaren 5ean baratzera joan ginen:

Lehenengo banatu genuen klasea 3 taldetan:

Talde bat joan zen komposta hartzera eskorga batekin,beste talde bat harriak kendu zituzten ,eta beste taldeak nahasten zuen ,eta Ionek argazkiak atera zituen.


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