During December, students of 5th and 6th of Primary have been working in a new task, the matter was to know if vegetables brought from diferent parts of United Kingdom could be properly grown in our vegetable garden, if they could be grown, maybe we could use this new resource as a key for having new alternatives in our villages.
Students, separated in groups made a wide investigation work, they used mainly internet and they looked for diferent varieties of diferent plants. In their investigation work they looked for seeds or plants and the results were presented in two ways:
A presentation
A simple report
Now to finish with this work, we will buy some seeds, and we will grow them in our vegetable garden, this place is going to be called, I+ D corner.
Abenduan, gure 5. eta 6 mailako ikasleek proiektu berri batean lanean ibili dira. Erronka zen ikertzea ea Erresuma Batuko haziak gure lurraldean behar den bezala funtzionatuko zute ala ez. Agian, baietz ikusiko bazen, hazi edo landare hauek baliogarriak izan daitezke gure Piriniona beste alternatiba bat sortzeko.
Ikasleak, taldeka banatuak egin dute izugarrizko ikerketa lana, interneta erabiliz aztertu dituzte landare mota desberdinak. Emaitzak bi modutan aurkeztu dizkigute:
Aurkezpen bat
Textu batean
Orain lan eder hau borobiltzeko, erosiko ditugu haziak, eta gure baratzean erein egingo dira, txoko hau I+D txokoa izendatuko dugu.