Jakoba Errekondoren bisita

Atzo, arratsaldean baratzan aditu batekin izan genuen oso formakuntza interesgarria. Jakoba Errekondo gure eskolan egon zen, Errekondo,(Usurbil, 1961- ) agronomo eta paisajista da. Ezaguna da hainbat hedabidetan landare, lore, zuhaitz eta antzeko gaien inguruan parte hartzeagatik. Jakoba Errekondo, «Bizi Baratza» izenburuaren liburuaren idazlea da. Astelehenean, eskolako irakasleekin egon zen eta bertan gure proiektuaz egon ginen hitz egiten. Hemen duzue berak aipatutako hainbat puntu interesagarriak:

Jakoba Errekondoren hitzaldia

Jakoba Errekondok emandako hitzaldiak

Datorren astelehenean, urtarrilak 23n, Jakoba Errekondo gure eskolan egongo da, bi saio emango ditu, bat irakasleentzat eta 18:30 tatik aurrera beste bat nahi duenarentzat.

Jakoba Errekondo (1961, Usurbil). Agronomo eta paisajista. Ezaguna da hainbat hedabidetan (Eitb, Argia…) landare, lore, zuhaitz eta antzeko gaien inguruan parte hartzeagatik. Bi libururen egilea.

Bigarren saio honetan parte hartzeko izena eman behar da deituz edo idazten Euskara Zerbitzuari:

948 475150-948 890580



Azken egunetako lanak


Ostegunean baratzera joan ginen eta 3 taldeetan banatu ginen :
Lehengo taldea ,gauzak kendu genuen eta baratzaren atzealdean txukundu genuen .
Bigarren taldekoak , plastiko beltza jarri genuen eta gero grapatu genuen belarra ez ateratzeko .
Hirugarren taldea , baratzaren kanpoan zeuden : kartilak grabilarekn betetzen eta baratzaren barruan sartu genuen eta grabila plasikoaren gainean jarri genuen .
Ostiralean grabila jartzen bukatu genuen , gero , baratzaren bidean grabilarekin estali genuen .

5 eta 6 D

We were working in soil!!

On Thursday and Friday, 15th and 16th of December 5th and 6th of primary went to work to the soil.
Then we put iron on the floor and then we threw the stones were in one small mountain. Amaia and Ione put tape in the plastic of the greenhouse because it was broken.
Then Tasio made one door because the children enter to soil with the bike.

In conclusion we enjoyed very much!!!

Colocando carteles en la huerta / Placing posters in the orchard

   BY MAITE                          

On the 14th of December in English class, Tasio brought some papers and stickers to do the cartels, and the posters were the orchard´s rotation.

First we did some holes to the paper and later we entered the bridle and we put a stick.

When we finish the work, we took the tablet and we went to the orchard with the posters.

When we arrived to the orchard, we start placing the posters in the parters with the rotation reference. And when we finished I took some pictures to the orchard and to the cartels.

When we finished the work in the orchard we went to the class and we started writing.



     Hoy en clase de inglés hemos estado hacienda unos carteles con la información de lo que hay que plantar en la huerta.

     Lo hemos hecho con palos que ha Traído Tasio y con los carteles de la información   que los han hecho los de la ESO.

hemos Ido a la huerta para colocarlos.

Maite les ha hecho una fotoa todos los carteles.


Ostiralean, LH 5 eta 6 baratzean egon ginen, eta lan batzuk egin genituen. Horretarako bi talde egin genituen: Lehenengoan: Unax, Ainhoa, Stephanie eta Miren eta bigarrenean: Ione, Jaione, Mikel, Anne eta Julen. Lehenengoa lurretik grabilla bota zuten, eta bigarrena lurratik harriak kendu eta sartzeko bidea egin zuten. Oso ongi geratu zen baina bukatu ez genuenez A Eredukoak etorri ziren.

baratzean baratzean-2

Working in the soil by Santiago


Yesterday we were in the garden and were planting 10 lettuces, 10 escaroles and 43 onions. Meanwhile Tasio and me removed the soil while Maite was watering the plants.Tasio bought some plant in the truck of the fruits,  and it cost 3,20. We are going to put a system of rotation so that we make a more efficient system. This is the system: 



Ayer fuimos a la huerta y estuvimos plantando 10 lechugas, 10 escarolas y 43 cebollas. Mientras que Tasio y yo removemos la tierra Maite regaba las plantas. Tasio compró unas plantas en el camión de las frutas todo le costo 3,20 y estamos planeando un sistema de rotación para mejorar los cultivos y aprovechar los nutrientes de una manera más sostenible.



Me watering the lettuces



Working in the orchard by Maite


On Wednesday morning, at 12:00 we went to the orchard Santiago, Tasio and me.

First, we took some hoes and the plants, that were lettuces, onions and curls. There were 43 onions, 10 lettuces and 10 curls.

Later, when we arrived to the orchard, Tasio and me started digging one stall to plant the onions. Santiago and me we counted the plants that we need to put.

After that, Tasio planted the things, while Santiago hoed another stall.

Later while Santiago and Tasio planted the lettuces and the curls, I watered the onions.

After that when Tasio was taking photos, Santiago was watering the lettuces and the curls and I stayed writing down some things in the notebook.


Finally, when we went to the school we met with an old person from Garatx house and we stayed a little bit speaking with him and he said:


We are going to follow “Parades En Crestall” method.

Parades en crestall is a method of the orchard. Is a method that is about a rotation with the plants in the parters.

The rotation is this:




Proyecto intergeneracional